Sunday, February 5, 2012

sample pictures

This is one of my earlier scupts of a 1 12 dollhouse scale doll. The coat is made from fur, and the shoes are handmade suede and leather. The eskimo's hair is from sheeps wool, all accessories are hand made.


Patricia said...

well done Lin!!*grin*

linda060060 said...
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Woolytales Miniatures said...

Hi Lin, You can see I am still strugulling with blogspot. I just want to welcome you and to tell you that I am looking forward to see your beautiful work.*grin*

Plushpussycat said...

Hi Linda! I'm so glad to find your blog today. I love your miniatures! I'm working on several dollhouse projects, plus I do photo stories using my own handmade plush characters, recycled materials, and dollhouse miniatures. I look forward to seeing more of your work! :-) Jennifer